Join us Sundays at 10:30 am
Who we are!
Our Mission is to connect people to Jesus and each other through Worship, Discipleship, and Service.
Our Vision is to reach NE Knoxville and beyond by multiplying disciples to follow Jesus.
Our beginning mission was to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and it hasn’t changed today. As a multi- generational church community, we meet needs through a variety of: Worship Experiences, discipleship options, mission opportunities, fellowship and outreach events. Join us on Sundays at 10:30AM to see all that is happening here at Union Baptist!
Experience God’s love through Christ-centered worship. We desire to use our creative gifts and abilities as acts of worship to lift up the name of Jesus above our own.
Worship With Us Sunday’s at 10:30AM
Build authentic community with others. We are committed to talking about things that matter and growing alongside each other in God’s Word. We are better together!
Live on mission from Union to the community! Find opportunities to help out in your community and seek ways to share Christ with the world.

A 180 Vision
by Pastor Craig

What does God Say about Marriage?
by Pastor Craig

Three Interactions with Jesus
by Pastor Craig
Our Pastor
“Our heart & soul is to connect people with the living and powerful God.”
We are about people…connecting people to each other and to Jesus. Our website gives you many options to see how we are serving and how you can be a part. Or come find out in person this Sunday at 10:30 am.
Pastor Craig Cummings
From The Gallery
Want To Become a Member?
We invite anyone and everyone to attend our Sunday Worship each Sunday at 10:30AM